Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Campout + Basketball

I went on a campout with the scouts a couple days ago but I forgot to write about it. And just to tell you I didn't get burned this time. Anyways I went to Red Cliffs, which is out by Leeds, to go camping. My scout leader, Brother Hall, had saved us a campground the day before we went up there, but when we got up there someone had taken our spot and we had to find a new one. We ended up in this spot that had a cliff in the back of it, and on top of the cliff and back behind it was a little valley. We played capture the flag there. The next morning we went home and I had to get ready for my basketball game. We won our game and our score was 46 and the other team's score was 27.


Jaime said...

Glad you didn't get burned this time! Was it cold? Awesome about your game! I wish I could see one!

Kirk said...

it was kind of cold

The Walch Family said...

Glad that you had fun this time, and way to go at winning your game !!! We miss you. Hopefully we will get to see you when you come up for Jared's farewell. Love you Capt Kirk !