Thursday, December 4, 2008

Random Stuff Part 2

This is the sequel to my other post 'Random Stuff' that I wrote back in the good ol' days. Anyways I think I finally got on my band teacher's good side! And in my own opinion I think I'm the best trumpet player in my class. (No offense Jacee) I'm doin' pretty good in Pre- Algebra, I finally mastered the skill of riding all three of my bikes no- handed and I ride my bike to Wendy's with my friends sometimes. I have like 280 song on my iPod. I'm like 5 foot 7 and a quarter, maybe more. My basketball team is awesome. Me and my old scout leader share the same birth date. I don't like a lot of sauce on my spaghetti. I fall asleep in most of my classes. I play the trumpet. That's all I can think of at this particular moment in time.


Jenna said...

nO IM NOT kidding y do u think that 9im kidding? Jenna

Kirk said...

i was joking

Jaime said...

K, glad everything is going better with band, and what a perfect title for this post. Not sure what spaghetti has to do with anything, though! Too funny!