Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My Cousin: The Missionary

Me and my family went up to Grantsville to see my cousin give his farewell speach in church. He will soon be leaving for Switzerland for his mission. I'm going to miss him because he's one of my favorite cousins. But I'm glad he's going on a mission, and that just makes me want to go on one myself when I'm nineteen. I can't wait.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Four Wheeler

Due to the fact that my four wheeler couldn't start for a couple days I was delayed on riding it. But rest assured I have ridin it and it was FUN. My friend gave me his old helmet, chest protector, riding shirt, and goggles. Him and his dad took my out riding in Warner Valley on Friday. The next day my dad took me and my friend Jacee riding out to the southern end of Warner Valley and rode for about an hour, we would have kept riding but it was so dang cold. The wind was blowing and the temperature had to at least be below 30 degrees. Plus when your riding you have the wind blowing at you as you ride so we had 2 cold winds blowing at us. But it was fun anyways.