Friday, December 26, 2008


These presents are just two of about 15 things I got for Christmas, on the top is a 4- wheeler and the bottom is a PSP. It was really fun having my family over for Christmas. This was one of the best Christmas's I've had yet.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

SNOW DAY!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, it's finally a snow day down here. Me and friends were having snow ball fights with some of our friends and carolling. Then when I got home and went to bed my friend calls and says "Tommorow's a snow day!" So I had to get onto my school's website to make sure. Sure enough he was telling the truth. But it's supposed to rain this afternoon which stinks...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


I was suprised myself when I heard on the news: "Southern Utah will be getting 1-4 inches of snow in the next few days. That includes St. George." So I was all exited when it started snowing. It stopped the next day but it started snowing again today.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

New Background

My new background is awesome isn't it? I was just looking through all the backgrounds and found this one. I think it's way cool.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Campout + Basketball

I went on a campout with the scouts a couple days ago but I forgot to write about it. And just to tell you I didn't get burned this time. Anyways I went to Red Cliffs, which is out by Leeds, to go camping. My scout leader, Brother Hall, had saved us a campground the day before we went up there, but when we got up there someone had taken our spot and we had to find a new one. We ended up in this spot that had a cliff in the back of it, and on top of the cliff and back behind it was a little valley. We played capture the flag there. The next morning we went home and I had to get ready for my basketball game. We won our game and our score was 46 and the other team's score was 27.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Random Stuff Part 2

This is the sequel to my other post 'Random Stuff' that I wrote back in the good ol' days. Anyways I think I finally got on my band teacher's good side! And in my own opinion I think I'm the best trumpet player in my class. (No offense Jacee) I'm doin' pretty good in Pre- Algebra, I finally mastered the skill of riding all three of my bikes no- handed and I ride my bike to Wendy's with my friends sometimes. I have like 280 song on my iPod. I'm like 5 foot 7 and a quarter, maybe more. My basketball team is awesome. Me and my old scout leader share the same birth date. I don't like a lot of sauce on my spaghetti. I fall asleep in most of my classes. I play the trumpet. That's all I can think of at this particular moment in time.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


My mom signed me up for Washington City League basketball. I was picked in the draft and my coach's name is Kody Prisbey. He's cool, and tall. And he son and I are about the same height. My team's name is the Longhorns. I think my team is great this year and were bound to win at least 75% of our games if not more.

Friday, November 28, 2008


Before I talk about Thanksgiving I'm going to explain why I don't have pictures. My dumb computer won't let me upload the pictures off the camera onto the computer. So if anyone has a digital camera they don't want I'll have it. Anyway, Thanksgiving was awesome. My sisters came over and we had a fun time eating and playing games. The food was great and there was a lot of it. My favorite was probably the yams. And the good thing about so much food is leftovers the nextday.

Monday, November 24, 2008


For scouts last week we had a pow wow at the Washington City Rec. Center. The merit badges I did were Swimming and Lifesaving. I'd say altogether I was in the pool for 9 hours. It may sound like a lot but it would be more but I took out the amount of time it took for lunch. At the end of the day I was purple. It sounds crazy but my skin was actually turning purple. Like there would be certain parts of my arms and legs and mouth had a tinge of purple on them. My tounge was even a light shade of purple. It was weird. But I did get the merit badges which I guess made it all worth while.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

My Birthday, the third post.

For my birthday party me some of my friends and family went to the Blue Bunny Ice cream place and had a $40, 21 scoop, ice cream. We all ate off of it and we got our names engraved on a little gold plate to be put on a plaque for all to see. It was fun. And the presents I got were CDs of Herb Alpert, and an Eagles wallet and and Eagles mini helmet and an Eagles Calander (Eagles being the football team) and I got a box of Reese's Pieces and a box of Jr. Mints. I also got $5. And my friend might give me his old paintball gun because he got a new one.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

My Birthday... Today!

As some of you may now know... today is my birthday! I've already got one present and that was from my dad. It was a 3 disk case of music from Herb Albert and the Tijuana Brass. I like some of the songs on there. But tonight my party is at Blue Bunny. And I failed to metion I'm 13 years old.

Friday, November 14, 2008

My Birthday!

Even though my birthday is tomorow I want to write about something and this is the only thing I can think of. Today nobody in my 1st or 2nd period recognized it was my birthday tommorow. In 3rd period just about everyone was aware of it and a few kids said "Happy Birthday tommorow." At lunch my friend gave me a cookie for my soon to come birthday but I didn't like those kind of cookies but I just smiled and said thanks and put it in my backpack. In 4th period my class sang to me and in 5th and 6th period nobody knew about my birthday. On the bus I had got out my cookie to give to eat it just because I was hungry but a girl asked if she could have it so I said sure. One of her friends asked if I had anymore and I said no. She then asked where I got it at and I said my friend gave it to me for my birthday tomorrow. Then she started singing happy birthday then the whole bus joined in and I just had to sit there while everyone sang to me. Then a different girl gave me some candy for my birthday. Then I got off the bus, walked home got on the computer and typed this.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Etiquette Dinner

Last Tuesday for mutual or whatever we had an etiquette dinner. It probably wouldn't have been that bad if the girls were watching me eat the whole dang time. Me, Kaden, and Alex were on a table with three other girls. The girl's names were Payton, Aly, and Riley. My bishop made us sit boy, girl. Everyone was joking around the whole entire time. It was funny because Kaden likes Payton and he had to pull her chair out for her. And my other friend Doug also likes Payton and he was staring at her from another table. I asked him "Watch'a staring at Doug?" Then his face turned bright red and he wouldn't talk to me the rest of the night. But anyway, it was fun and we got free food. I think its was soup, salad, ham, baked potato, and a roll. To top it all off was desert. Desert consisted of vanilla or chocolate ice cream and a brownie. So like I said before, it was pretty fun despite having people watching me eat.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Vetrans Day Concert

Today we had our band concert for Vetrans Day. I think my and my friends did an awesome job. I played Taps with two other kids named Harrison Spriggs and Caleb Cluff. A lot of people congratulated me on taps. My friends said my face was red when I came back to my seat to sit down. But it was really cool playing Taps, Star Spangled Banner, Amazing Grace, and Armed Forces March.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

End of 1st trimester

These are my scores for school and percentages for the end of the first trimester

Health: B+, 88%
CTE- FACS: A, 96%
Band: A, 100%
Language Arts: B+, 89%
Pre- Algebra: B, 84%
P.E.: A, 100%

Some of my friends did get better grades than I did but I did a lot of work in Health and Language Arts to pull them up to a B+, for awhile they both were C's.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


This was my last year tricker treating as some of you may know so me and my friends were planning on hitting the jack pot of candy... Instead we only went to a few houses, not all and I don't know why. I only got half a backpack full of candy. (less than I had last year) Oh well... Next year I just get to pass out treats 'n' stuff.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

New Background

I hope you guys like my background... I did it because Heath Ledger is my favorite actor (besides me) and Batman: The Dark Knight was really good and joker was my favorite character.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


So today Jacee, Kaden, Ozzy, and I went to the park to go off jumps. I kept doing the same one over and over again until I got good at it but then finally I landed and put on the brakes while I was going fast and my tires slid and I fell off and skidded across the ground. In the picture there is a big red mark on my back from it. If you look at my back it has more red marks on it but they didn't show up on the camera.

Monday, October 20, 2008


I want more comments on my blog! And the more I get the more enthusiastic i'll be about updating my blog more often. It feels like no one is reading it anymore so I stop posting stuff...

Friday, October 17, 2008


Me and Alex at my basketball game
Lighting a fire at scout camp

A cool picture of me

Another cool picture of me

Super cool effects

I look red...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I am now the President in the Deacon's Quorum Presidency. I used to be 1st counselor but since the president had a birthday he is no longer a Deacon. I will be the president for only a short while, because the other presidency is soon to be ordained.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Someone Broke In To My House!

Just kidding, we didn't really have a break in but someone I guess walked into my house and put a paper on our counter. I'm thinking it was my sister Stephanie but who knows... And I wrote about this because I have nothing else better to do.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Corpse Nightmare

Have you seen that building by the mall? Its like a big trailer and its suposed to be a haunted house. Well, me and my friends went in it and made fun of all the people in there. It was actually kind of fun. I lost my flip flop in there and had to run back in and go get it. So that was the highlight of my week. It's sad I know but my life is usually boring.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Random Stuff

First, I'm currently in the process of growing a mustache. Second, I grew and inch in six months which means I'm 5 foot 7 inches at the moment. Third, I still have an A- in Pre- Algebra. Fourth, I'll be turning 13 in 1 month and about 7 days. Fifth, I can play taps on my trumpet almost perfectly. Sixth, I'm a really fast typer, I'm the fastest in my fourth period class, (my fourth period class in Language Arts) we were typing a story today and I typed two and a half pages before anyone else got finished. Sixth, I'm running out of things to say. Seventh, I can play basketball really good, and that goes for baseball too. Thats pretty much it...

Friday, October 3, 2008

Chipped Tooth

On Thursday I sort of chipped my tooth. It was almost in the back and I almost didn't notice it until I spit out a hard chunck of white stuff and I felt around in my mouth and felt a little sharp edge that hadn't been there before. The way I chipped it was stupid. I was clenching my teeth and grinding them against each other and before I knew it, a piece of my tooth was in my mouth.
(I would take a picture of it but my teeth arn't excatly what you call clean.)

Sunday, September 21, 2008


During lunch we have Intermurals. Intermurals are sports we play in between lunch and our next class and they're pretty fun, and right now I'm on a team with my friends and we play flag football (because the school won't allow tackle) and we've won 2 out of 3 games and I've made a touchdown in both games we won.

Saturday, September 20, 2008


In Mrs. Frei's Class (FACS which stands for Family and Consumer Science) we're learning how to sew. In the first day we already had to thread the machine and thread the bobbin thing and it was pretty easy I guess. Me and my friend were helping each other along the way, we both really didn't get a thing Mrs. Frei was saying and since we sit next to each other we just asked each other what to do. On Monday we're supposed to be sewing a hand puppet and right after we're done with the puppet we move on to a second sewing project of our choosing. I picked to sew a ski cap and I asked Mrs. Frei if I could make it look like a Santa hat and she said yes but I have to buy all the supplies for it.

Mid- Terms

I got pretty much all A's on my Mid- Term progress report except for 1 D that I fixed by turning in my 1 day late paper that was worth a 100 points... But I turned it in now and I have an A- so its all good.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Jaime's House

This picture is from a couple months ago but when we went up to Jaime's house it was cool. We went to Thermopolis and drove around Casper and it was fun and Mom had a good time playing with Grant. (She's a baby hog.) and James, Jaime, Gary, Colene, Jenna, Jared and Christina (Jared's girlfriend) came down for Labor Day.

Random Stuff About School

Mr. Winslow was my band teacher last year but this year he hired another teacher for us so he could go to Deseret Hills Intermidiate. I'm not being mean but the new band teacher is the worst. But Mr. Winslow's gonna come back in 2 weeks and teach us for a whole week. In Language Arts my class and I are reading the Outsiders which is the bestest book in the whole world, it's hard to put it down when class is over and on Tuesday we're going to watch the movie and it's going to be awesome. And today (Thursday) I lost my check for school lunch and I missed the bus with my friend after school waiting to ask my teachers if they had it. Luckily, my 1st period teacher Mrs. Goettche (Get- che) found it and was turning it in to the office today.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

First Week Of School

I made it through the first week of school alright... I did get in trouble from my bus driver but besides that it was fun. There was a Pre Algebra placement test I had to take to see if i'm really suposed to be in Pre Algebra I hope I passed it. At school they took out the soda machines they had there last year so now I constantly have to keep listening to some of my friends complain about it so that pretty much the only down side.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

School Starts on Tuesday :(

It stinks that school starts... I was just barley starting to enjoy my summer (not that its been fun) its just I start realizing how cool summer is when school starts. And on Wedenesday me my mom and dad went to the open house at the school and the good thing is I know at least one person in each class. In one class called CTE - FACS, we get to cook work with computers and sew. And the teacher of that class, Mrs. Frei reminds me a lot of Steph.

Scout Camp

Again I'm going on another scout camp on friday and saturday and I'm not planning on getting burned this time... We're going to beaver to go camping up in the mountains. We're suposed to do some nature hike and look at bunch of animals n' stuff it's gonna be pretty fun.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

When my dad took me fishing at Sand Hollow we didn't catch anything but the best thing came after it. We were driving down the street and randomly out of nowhere he says do you want to drive the Geo? And of course, I said yes so he let me drive it around for like an hour. I messed up a couple times and floored it once by accident... And, if you're wondering, I was wearing my seat belt...

Friday, July 18, 2008

2nd Degree Burn

I was at scout camp on Cedar Mountain, I was suposed to stay there a whole week and when we were 3 days into the camp I tripped and fell into this circular thing that was holding the fire in the fire pit and my elbow was on it so it burned through my skin to a really white layer of skin under that. I dont have any pictures except for my arm wrapped in gauz but my friend took a few pictures of the burn up in the Cedar City hospital so he's sending them to me soon.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

New iPod!

This is kinda weird but last night I walk in the door at about 9:30 and my dad asks "Kirk, are any of your friends missing an iPod." I already knew none of my friends owned an iPod so I said no and he told be to come over to where he was on the couch I went over there and he showed me the iPod. I asked him "How'd you get it?" he said "I found it" then he just gave it to me. This morning I put it in the computer and looked at all the stuff inside. (The person that owned had put over 400 recorded parts of the 5th harry potter in it. Dad said I could keep it so I deleted it all and put my stuff on it. .

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Lewis' Baptizm

Today on Saturday, July 5th, 2008 my nephew Lewis got baptized. It probbably was a really awesome experience for him because it was for me when i got baptized too. Steve did a great job at blessing him and after that we all went to Steve and Steph's house for dinner (which consisted of pizza, brownies, fruits, vegtables, and lemonade.) And Steve let me borrow his book: Diary of a Wimpy Kid which i've read a part of on the internet but i'm going to read it anyways.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Brother Brown

Last Sunday we got a new scout leader, his name's Brother Brown and he came with us to Baptizims for the Dead (I got Baptized for like 15 people) and after that we went to Golden Spoon (A guy in my ward owns it) and I asked brother Brown: "Can me and Kaden Ding Dong Ditch your house tonight?" We were just joking with him, but he said "Sure, my wife and kids are out of town do it as many times as you want but i'll catch you." So later that night we got my other friend Alex and we Door bell ditched his house but he didn't come after us. Couple more rings later we left for awhile to go light fireworks, but then we came back and did it again, he came out with a spot light and we ran. We didnt again but he caught us. Then he invited us in to watch a movie and we stayed there until midnight watching: Drillbit Taylor.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Celebrity Morph

MyHeritage: Family trees - Genealogy - Celebrities

Sunday, June 8, 2008


Saturday, June 7, 2008

Week Long Vacation

I just got back from a week long vacation! It was awesome, we went to Tooele then to Casper to see my sisters baby get blessed and my other sister and her family came, then we went to Nebraska and drove through it and then we went to Colorado where we stayed in Manitou Springs and went on a cog railway up Pikes Peak, a really tall mountain, and the conducter told us to look out our windows at one time and we could see into Kansas. Then we went to Flagstaff, Arizona and stayed there over night and then the next day we went home.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Washington City Rec. Center!!!!

On May 20 my coach took us to the new Washington Rec. Center and it was awesome! They have a giant slide, a huge pool, a rock wall, and a basket ball court. They have a lot of rules but once you get by those its fun there. I'm getting monthly passes to there so I anytime I want each month.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Baseball Is Over

My baseball season is over and i think my team came in 3rd or 4th place. We won our last game 7 nothing and my coach promised us a party at his house on friday.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

My Celebrity Look-Alikes

Utah Jazz

The Jazz have made it to the NBA Championship series again and they're playing the Houston Rockets. So far they've managed to keep the Rockets from winning except last night. (April 29.)
Hope they win this year.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Grant Killpack

My sister, Jaime, just had her baby. Her baby's name is Grant James Killpack. He was born at about 6:00 or something like that, I was in the middle of my baseball game when my mom told me. I was pretty excited to get a new nephew and were going up to my sister's house to go see her on Wendesday April 15 it's going to take forever to get there but it will be fun.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

American Idol }:(

All my mom has been watching these past few weeks is american idol. I don't see the big deal, it's just a bunch of people singing on T.V. and I can't watch T.V. on wednesdays now because of it. I thought it was cool at first now it's just annoying... I can't wait till it's over.

Sunday, March 30, 2008


It's a little late but it's better late than never... this year was a great easter because I had my family over and it was really fun. Plus my mom got me a new MP3 player and it's awesome.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Mr. Pfunder, he's the art teacher at my school. He is really funny and is cool. But he has mutiple selrosis or somthing like that and he made a fundraiser named: Pfunder Pfighters. Since hes the art teacher he made a design for these really cool shirts and every time someone buys one the money goes toward the fundraiser. I just barley bought one on March 18. Plus we go around to our friends and family and ask for donations for the fundraiser. And to get more kids to do it, he made the 1st prize a Dell Inspiron Lap Top and 2nd place is a $350 gift card to any mall in America and 3rd prize is a Nintendo Wii. With the t-shirts if you wear it on a certain day you get a silver ticket. And if they draw that ticket you win an Ipod. Is that cool or what?!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Me and my cousin, Jenna, are at my Uncle Gary's house. She's 1 year older than I am.
This picture was taken either a little bit before Christmas or a little bit after it. I'm holding her puppy, Zoey, she's a shitzu and she is really entergetic.

Largest Open Pit Mine

When I went to Salt Lake City, my parents took me to the largest open pit mine. It was one of the most coolest places ever! You could see all the way down and watch all the trucks go up and down carrying and unloading rocks and stuff. This mine was copper and it had a muesuem inside with stuff they found and things they've used to dig up all the minarals I want to go there again sometime. Maybe again this summer.

Night Games

Practically every Friday night, me and my friends will play night games. We always wait till it gets dark and play till about 10 or 10:30. But since winter, we haven't played it as much because of the cold weather. We usually make a fire and cook stuff or play video games or go to the park and play games there like have marshmallow wars with our marshmallow guns, play tag, or jump on the trampoline. Sometimes, if were lucky one of our parents will take us to a movie or get ice cream, but its rare.

Weird Story...

It was after my sister's wedding, my dad had a heat stroke 1 or 2 weeks before and when we were coming home he kept swerving on the road. It scared me and my mom both. We had finally pulled up on the drive way and my dad went in his room to lay down. Later that day he had this certain medicine called Ambien. That night I could hear walking around in my living room. I just fell back to sleep. The next day my mom had told me that my dad had been sleep walking through the house carring a sleeping bag with him. The side effects had said sleep walking but this was a lot weirder, after that my mom threw out that medicine and its never coming back in my house again.

New Nephew

My sister Jaime is having a baby in April, and I can't wait till I have a new nephew. My sister said his name will be Grant Killpack. He will be my 5th nephew. My other nephew's names are: Chasen, Nate, Lewis, and Conner. They're always fun to play with. I'll write more on this after my sister has her baby.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Spring Break

Spring break is almost over. But over at my house, it's been the most boring week of my life. None of my friends were home so I couldn't really do anything except watch T.V. all day hopefully summer break won't be the same...

Kirk's Klimate

I'm in the 6th grade and I just got on a major league baseball team for the Washington City league. My coach is awesome, he's one of the best ones I've ever had. My school is Fossil Ridge Intermediate. It takes about a half an hour to get there from my bus stop, and I have to get up at 5:50 every morning because my mom wants me ready before she leaves for work. My sister Jaime showed me how to make a blog on Wednesday March 12th so I'm new to this.