Friday, November 28, 2008


Before I talk about Thanksgiving I'm going to explain why I don't have pictures. My dumb computer won't let me upload the pictures off the camera onto the computer. So if anyone has a digital camera they don't want I'll have it. Anyway, Thanksgiving was awesome. My sisters came over and we had a fun time eating and playing games. The food was great and there was a lot of it. My favorite was probably the yams. And the good thing about so much food is leftovers the nextday.

Monday, November 24, 2008


For scouts last week we had a pow wow at the Washington City Rec. Center. The merit badges I did were Swimming and Lifesaving. I'd say altogether I was in the pool for 9 hours. It may sound like a lot but it would be more but I took out the amount of time it took for lunch. At the end of the day I was purple. It sounds crazy but my skin was actually turning purple. Like there would be certain parts of my arms and legs and mouth had a tinge of purple on them. My tounge was even a light shade of purple. It was weird. But I did get the merit badges which I guess made it all worth while.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

My Birthday, the third post.

For my birthday party me some of my friends and family went to the Blue Bunny Ice cream place and had a $40, 21 scoop, ice cream. We all ate off of it and we got our names engraved on a little gold plate to be put on a plaque for all to see. It was fun. And the presents I got were CDs of Herb Alpert, and an Eagles wallet and and Eagles mini helmet and an Eagles Calander (Eagles being the football team) and I got a box of Reese's Pieces and a box of Jr. Mints. I also got $5. And my friend might give me his old paintball gun because he got a new one.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

My Birthday... Today!

As some of you may now know... today is my birthday! I've already got one present and that was from my dad. It was a 3 disk case of music from Herb Albert and the Tijuana Brass. I like some of the songs on there. But tonight my party is at Blue Bunny. And I failed to metion I'm 13 years old.

Friday, November 14, 2008

My Birthday!

Even though my birthday is tomorow I want to write about something and this is the only thing I can think of. Today nobody in my 1st or 2nd period recognized it was my birthday tommorow. In 3rd period just about everyone was aware of it and a few kids said "Happy Birthday tommorow." At lunch my friend gave me a cookie for my soon to come birthday but I didn't like those kind of cookies but I just smiled and said thanks and put it in my backpack. In 4th period my class sang to me and in 5th and 6th period nobody knew about my birthday. On the bus I had got out my cookie to give to eat it just because I was hungry but a girl asked if she could have it so I said sure. One of her friends asked if I had anymore and I said no. She then asked where I got it at and I said my friend gave it to me for my birthday tomorrow. Then she started singing happy birthday then the whole bus joined in and I just had to sit there while everyone sang to me. Then a different girl gave me some candy for my birthday. Then I got off the bus, walked home got on the computer and typed this.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Etiquette Dinner

Last Tuesday for mutual or whatever we had an etiquette dinner. It probably wouldn't have been that bad if the girls were watching me eat the whole dang time. Me, Kaden, and Alex were on a table with three other girls. The girl's names were Payton, Aly, and Riley. My bishop made us sit boy, girl. Everyone was joking around the whole entire time. It was funny because Kaden likes Payton and he had to pull her chair out for her. And my other friend Doug also likes Payton and he was staring at her from another table. I asked him "Watch'a staring at Doug?" Then his face turned bright red and he wouldn't talk to me the rest of the night. But anyway, it was fun and we got free food. I think its was soup, salad, ham, baked potato, and a roll. To top it all off was desert. Desert consisted of vanilla or chocolate ice cream and a brownie. So like I said before, it was pretty fun despite having people watching me eat.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Vetrans Day Concert

Today we had our band concert for Vetrans Day. I think my and my friends did an awesome job. I played Taps with two other kids named Harrison Spriggs and Caleb Cluff. A lot of people congratulated me on taps. My friends said my face was red when I came back to my seat to sit down. But it was really cool playing Taps, Star Spangled Banner, Amazing Grace, and Armed Forces March.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

End of 1st trimester

These are my scores for school and percentages for the end of the first trimester

Health: B+, 88%
CTE- FACS: A, 96%
Band: A, 100%
Language Arts: B+, 89%
Pre- Algebra: B, 84%
P.E.: A, 100%

Some of my friends did get better grades than I did but I did a lot of work in Health and Language Arts to pull them up to a B+, for awhile they both were C's.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


This was my last year tricker treating as some of you may know so me and my friends were planning on hitting the jack pot of candy... Instead we only went to a few houses, not all and I don't know why. I only got half a backpack full of candy. (less than I had last year) Oh well... Next year I just get to pass out treats 'n' stuff.