Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Etiquette Dinner

Last Tuesday for mutual or whatever we had an etiquette dinner. It probably wouldn't have been that bad if the girls were watching me eat the whole dang time. Me, Kaden, and Alex were on a table with three other girls. The girl's names were Payton, Aly, and Riley. My bishop made us sit boy, girl. Everyone was joking around the whole entire time. It was funny because Kaden likes Payton and he had to pull her chair out for her. And my other friend Doug also likes Payton and he was staring at her from another table. I asked him "Watch'a staring at Doug?" Then his face turned bright red and he wouldn't talk to me the rest of the night. But anyway, it was fun and we got free food. I think its was soup, salad, ham, baked potato, and a roll. To top it all off was desert. Desert consisted of vanilla or chocolate ice cream and a brownie. So like I said before, it was pretty fun despite having people watching me eat.


Jaime said...

Those are fun. At least they didn't make you eat with funny utensils. There's nothing like tryng to eat spaghetti with an egg beater! Glad you had a good time!

Kirk said...

you had to eat spaghetti with an egg beater?

Jaime said...

Yeah. Didn't eat much that night!

Jacee said...

That will be a night I will never forget. It was embarassing for all of us.