Friday, November 14, 2008

My Birthday!

Even though my birthday is tomorow I want to write about something and this is the only thing I can think of. Today nobody in my 1st or 2nd period recognized it was my birthday tommorow. In 3rd period just about everyone was aware of it and a few kids said "Happy Birthday tommorow." At lunch my friend gave me a cookie for my soon to come birthday but I didn't like those kind of cookies but I just smiled and said thanks and put it in my backpack. In 4th period my class sang to me and in 5th and 6th period nobody knew about my birthday. On the bus I had got out my cookie to give to eat it just because I was hungry but a girl asked if she could have it so I said sure. One of her friends asked if I had anymore and I said no. She then asked where I got it at and I said my friend gave it to me for my birthday tomorrow. Then she started singing happy birthday then the whole bus joined in and I just had to sit there while everyone sang to me. Then a different girl gave me some candy for my birthday. Then I got off the bus, walked home got on the computer and typed this.


Anonymous said...

Since when did I become a girl? I was the one who started singing Happy Bithday to you. We're going to have to have a serious talk about this.

Kirk said...

but it wasn't you who started it it was Ivey...

Jaime said...

Oh...that's neat that some many people remembered your birthday! Especially when its close to the weekend. Hope you have a good one!