Monday, October 20, 2008


I want more comments on my blog! And the more I get the more enthusiastic i'll be about updating my blog more often. It feels like no one is reading it anymore so I stop posting stuff...


Kylee said...

Hey Kirk,
You are really cool and all. You rock.

Defa's said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jacee said...

What do you want me to post? I saw you at school today and after school to.

Jaime said...

Hey Roy I comment all the time. It's you that doesn't comment on mine! So if you will comment on mine, I will make sure I comment on every one of your posts! K?

The Walch Family said...

Kirk... you are so funny ! I post a comment on alot of yours. Keep it up.. You're becomming a great blogger !

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Anonymous said...

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